Saturday, November 16, 2024
Scores and rankings are determined based on a combination of accuracy and speed.
Scores and rankings are determined based on a combination of accuracy and speed.
Engineering Mathletics is a competition designed to create a passion for the application of mathematics in solving day-to-day scientific and engineering problems. Students will be challenged to be active and creative in the use of mathematics. Different facets of mathematics will be introduced and tested. An electronics response Questions will be projected on a screen and the participants will respond using the remote/clickers. Results and answers will also be displayed on a large screen.
More details can be found in the Rules and Scoring section below.
Saturday, November 16, 2024
Junior competition: 9:30AM - 12:00PM (registration starts at 9:30 AM)
Audience: Engineering Mathletics 2024 will be conducted in the auditorium. Parents are welcome to stay and watch the students in action, however; no video or photos are allowed during the presentation of the questions.
Cafeteria Auditorium
Pierre Elliott Trudeau High School
90 Bur Oak Ave.,
Markham, Ontario L6C 2E6
This event is open to all full-time York Region students on a first come first served basis. Students must be enrolled in a school that is physically located in York Region. Students in the nearby regions cannot participate. Individuals only, this is not a team event.
Registration must be done online ONLY. No registration is allowed at the event. Please bring the online confirmation ticket to the competition.
Registration fee is $20.00 (+Eventbrite fees) per participant
Junior competition:
Open to students that are currently in grades 7 and 8
Register for Junior competition:
Senior competition:
Open to students that are currently in grades 9 and 10
Register for Senior competition:
Try some Sample Questions.
Check the FAQs
Still got more questions?
E-mail us at
Students should have their breakfast / lunch before attending the competition. They should bring the following items on the day of competition:
Eligibility, Testing Standard and Prizes
Competition format
Q: Can a student from Toronto, Durham, or Peel Region participate in the competition?
No, students must be currently studying in a school located in York Region.
Q: Could we receive additional sample questions?
There are sample questions provided for each level and, there is no additional sample questions for this event.
Teachers, parents, guardians, and their guests are not permitted to assist or interfere with the participants.
In the front of the room, there will a few large screens (8' x 8' or above). One (or multiple) of them will be projected with a question. The other will be projected with background information or supporting details regarding to the question. Participant will then use a remote/clicker to answer the question. The question could be in numeric or multiple choices format.
Scores and rankings are determined based on a combination of accuracy and speed.
Performance statistics (correct answers): Max: 88%, Min: 6%, Mean: 44%
Performance statistics (correct answers): Max: 72%, Min: 0%, Mean: 28%