Climate Data for Engineers and Engineering
Date: Thursday, Mar 24, 2022, 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM, ET
Location: Zoom
Organizers: David Lapp, Jim Chisholm, Cristy Guo
Targeted Audiences: engineers & practitioners, academics, decision-makers, regulatory committee member
PEO York Chapter members are invited to attend the following event hosted by the West Toronto Chapter “Climate Data for Engineers and Engineering” event.
This 90 minute seminar will include formal presentation with interactive exercises as well as time for questions and discussion. Topics to be covered include how historical and projected future climate data can be used by engineers for their engineering work in Canada. Following a brief overview of the scientific basis for climate change and the latest projections for Canada from the most recent Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change reports, the remainder of the presentation will focus on the availability and use of some of the most common climate parameters needed for planning, specification, design, operations and maintenance of civil infrastructure and buildings, including indices of extremes. It will conclude with an overview of available national and regional sources of data and projections, their scientific basis, assumptions and limitations for engineering applications.
The seminar will include a period for questions and discussion, including the opportunity to provide feedback to the Canadian Centre for Climate Services representatives on gaps in climate data and projections to better serve current and future needs of engineers and engineering.
Trevor Murdock
is the Manager of Data and Products at the Canadian Center for Climate Services (within Environment and Climate Change Canada) who has been a climate scientist
who has been one since before it was cool (thanks to a Masters degree in Paleoclimate modelling from the University of Victoria in 1995). Trevor has focused on helping people do useful things with localized climate projections since the inception of the Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium in 2005 and at the Canadian Institute for Climate Studies before it, as summarized in this one-minute video on Preparing for the Impacts of Climate Change.
Ryan Smith
is a Policy Analyst with the Canadian Centre for Climate Services, a branch of Environment and Climate Change Canada. He obtained an MSc from the University of Manitoba in 2013, where he studied meteorology and climatology. He has taught courses in atmospheric sciences, human-environmental interactions and climate change. Ryan is a self-taught computer-programmer and cartographer, and has spent much of the past decade developing software that translates global climate model output into visually pleasing and intuitive maps of local climate change impacts. He has been invited to speak at several conferences, and has several publications in the field of climate science.