PEO York Chapter

Technical Presentation:

The Role of a Professional Engineer in

Ontario Land Development

Date: Wednesday, May 31, 2023 - 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm

Location: In-Person at Courtyard Toronto Markham (65 Minthorn Blvd, Markham, ON)

*Venue space is limited. Please register as soon as possible. (Meal and refreshments will be provided.)

Event Information:

Land development is a complex process with opportunities for creativity, and at the same time, regulated by legislations. Our guest speaker, Brian Lee, will share his insights and touch base on:

  • The key players in land development process.
  • What legislation governs land development?
  • How are disagreements between stakeholders resolved?
  • The importance of good engineering in the land development process.


6:30 - 6:35 pm Event Opening

6:35 - 7:30 pm Presentation

7:30 - 8:00 pm Q & A

8:00 - 8:30 pm Professional Networking

Our Guest Speaker:

Brian Lee, P.Eng.

Retired Director of Engineering, City of Markham

Brian has over 30 years of professional engineering experience. Most of his career is with the public sector. He has worked for the Hong Kong Government, the Regional Municipality of Peel, the City of Toronto, and the City of Markham.

Brian joined the City of Markham as the Manager of Development Engineering in 2006 and has since taken on various positions in the Engineering Department. He retired in 2021 as the Director of Engineering.

Brian graduated from King’s College, University of London in civil engineering, and has a Master’s degree from Birmingham University in highway and traffic engineering. He is a registered Professional Engineer in Ontario and is the Chair of the Canadian Chapter of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers.

Oliver Xiao, P.Eng.

Director, Business and Community Outreach

PEO York Chapter

*By registering and attending In-Person PEO York Chapter events, attendees acknowledge the voluntary compliance of all host venue safety policies and local Public Health Requirements. Your participation is voluntary, PEO and PEO York Chapter decline any responsibilities and liabilities to event participants. Attendees also acknowledge and give PEO York Chapter full consent to use, reproduce and publish photos taken during the event.

*Each license holder should determine whether an event is relevant to their practice. Only practice-relevant activities are appropriate for PEAK continuing knowledge hours. Please consult PEAK program requirements on PEO website for more details.